Last 30 Packages Updated
- librsync-0.9.7-9.al2: Rsync libraries
- git- Git core and tools
- cogito-0.18.2-2.al2: The Cogito Version Control System
- rxvt-unicode-8.1-1.al2: Rxvt-unicode is an unicode version of rxvt
- denyhosts-2.6-2.al2: A script to help thwart ssh server attacks
- plague- Distributed build system for RPMs
- gnupg2-1.9.22-8.al2: Utility for secure communication and data storage
- nagios-2.6-1.al2: Host/service/network monitoring program
- tin-1.8.2-1.al2: Basic Internet news reader
- mlmmj-1.2.12-1.al2: Mailserver-independent ezmlm-like mailing list manager
- zope-2.8.0-5.al2: Web application server for flexible content management applications
- flow-tools-0.68-12.al2: Tool set for working with NetFlow data
- unshield-0.5-3.al2: Install InstallShield applications on a Pocket PC
- gpsim-0.22.0-1.al2: A simulator for Microchip (TM) PIC (TM) microcontrollers
- grhino-0.15.2-4.1.al2: Reversi game for GNOME, supporting the Go/Game Text Protocol
- cacti-0.8.6i-4.al2: An rrd based graphing tool
- zeroinstall-injector-0.24-2.al2: The Zero Install Injector (0launch)
- imlib2-1.2.1-2.al2: Image loading, saving, rendering, and manipulation library
- python-nltk-1.4.4-3.1.al2: Natural Language Toolkit
- openal-0.0.9-0.6.20060204cvs.al2: Open Audio Library
- libetpan-0.48-1.al2: Portable, efficient middleware for different kinds of mail access
- zeroinstall-injector-0.24-1.al2: The Zero Install Injector (0launch)
- SoQt-1.4.1-2.al2: High-level 3D visualization library
- quarry-0.1.20-1.al2: A multi-purpose board game GUI
- wine-docs-0.9.24-1.al2: Documentation for wine
- torque-2.1.6-1.al2: Tera-scale Open-source Resource and QUEue manager
- pygpgme-0.1-3.al2: Python module for working with OpenPGP messages
- testdisk-6.5-1.al2: Tool to check and undelete partition
- python-reportlab-1.20-3.fc3.1: Python PDF generation library
- wine-docs-0.9.23-1.al2: Documentation for wine