- Macaulay2-0.9.2-14: A system for algebraic geometry and commutative algebra
- R-2.3.0-1.al2: A language for data analysis and graphics
- R-2.3.0-2.al2: A language for data analysis and graphics
- R-gnomeGUI-2.1.0-1.fc3: GNOME Console for R
- R-gnomeGUI-2.1.0-5.al2: GNOME Console for R
- R-mAr-1.1-2.al2: R module to evaluate functions for multivariate AutoRegressive analysis
- R-mAr-1.1-3.al2: R module to evaluate functions for multivariate AutoRegressive analysis
- cdo-0.9.6-2: A program for manipulating GRIB/NetCDF/SERVICE/EXTRA files
- drgeo-1.1.0-3.al2: Interactive educational geometry software
- drgeo-1.1.0-4.al2: Interactive educational geometry software
- drgeo-doc-1.6-5.al2: Html documentation for drgeo
- freehdl-0.0.1-3.al2: GPLed free VHDL
- freehdl-0.0.2-1.al2: GPLed free VHDL
- galculator-1.2.5-1.al2: GTK 2 based scientific calculator
- galculator-1.2.5-4.al2: GTK 2 based scientific calculator
- gonvert-0.2.11-1: Units conversion utility.
- gperiodic-2.0.8-2.al2: Program for browsing the periodic table
- grace-5.1.19-1.al2: Numerical Data Processing and Visualization Tool
- gtkwave-3.0.4-1.al2: Waveform Viewer
- gtkwave-3.0.5-1.al2: Waveform Viewer
- hmmer-2.3.2-3.al2: Profile HMM software for protein sequence analysis
- iozone-3-1.al2: Filesystem benchmarking utility
- iozone-3-2.al2: Filesystem benchmarking utility
- ncview-1.92e-5.al2: A visual browser for netCDF format files
- netcdf-3.6.0-3.p1.al2: Libraries for the Unidata network Common Data Form (NetCDF v3)
- octave-forge-2004.11.16-8.al2: Contributed functions for octave
- octave-forge-2004.11.16-9.al2: Contributed functions for octave
- polyxmass-bin-0.9.0-1.al2: The GNU polyxmass software suite
- polyxmass-bin-0.9.2-1.al2: The GNU polyxmass software suite
- polyxmass-data-0.8.6-3.al2: Contains configuration files describing polymer chemistry
- proj-4.4.8-4: Cartographic projection software (PROJ.4)
- qalculate-gtk-0.9.0-2.al2: A multi-purpose desktop calculator for GNU/Linux
- qalculate-gtk-0.9.2-1.al2: A multi-purpose desktop calculator for GNU/Linux
- qalculate-kde-0.9.0-1.al2: A multi-purpose desktop calculator for GNU/Linux
- qalculate-kde-0.9.2-1.al2: A multi-purpose desktop calculator for GNU/Linux
- qcad- Simple 2D CAD program
- qcad- Simple 2D CAD program
- qucs-0.0.9-3.al2: Circuit simulator
- qucs-0.0.9-4.al2: Circuit simulator
- xtide-2.8-1: A program for calculating tide all over the world
- xtide-2.8-2: A program for calculating tide all over the world