
blogtk: GNOME application for editing/maintaining blogs

Name:blogtk Vendor:
Version:1.1 License:BSD
Release:5.al2 URL:
BloGTK is a weblog posting client written in Python for any platform that supports Python and the GTK widget set. BloGTK allows you to connect to your weblog with XML-RPC and create new posts.

Arch: src

Build Date:Thu Dec 15 21:52:21 2005
Size:68 KiB


* Tue Dec 13 16:00:00 2005 Paul W. Frields <stickster{%}gmail{*}com> - 1.1-5
- Bring package in line with current fedora-rpmdevtools standards
* Mon Aug 29 17:00:00 2005 Paul W. Frields <stickster{%}gmail{*}com> - 1.1-4
- Add BSD license file
* Sat Aug 20 17:00:00 2005 Paul W. Frields <stickster{%}gmail{*}com> - 1.1-3
- Revised packaging to match current Fedora Extras guidelines

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