--- 0verkill-0.16/doc/README.html
+++ 0verkill-0.16-gentoo/doc/README.html
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
 <center><h1><a name="running">RUNNING</a></h1></center>
 <p><h2><a name="server">Running server</a></h2>
-<p>First thing to start 0verkill is run the server - type <i>server</i>. Server
+<p>First thing to start 0verkill is run the server - type <i>0verkill-server</i>. Server
 takes options <i>-p</i> and <i>-n</i>. As usual, option <i>-h</i> prints help.
 <p> Option <i>-p</i> takes one argument: port number. Server needs UDP port
@@ -84,9 +84,9 @@
 <p><h2><a name="testserver">Testing Program</a></h2>
-<p>There's <i>test_server</i> program in the distribution. It avoids testing
+<p>There's <i>0verkill-test_server</i> program in the distribution. It avoids testing
 remote server if it's up and how many players there is. To use it simply type
-<i>test_server -a &lt;server address&gt; -p &lt;port number &gt;</i>.
+<i>0verkill-test_server -a &lt;server address&gt; -p &lt;port number &gt;</i>.
 <center><h1><a name="controls">GAME CONTROLS</a></h1></center>
--- 0verkill-0.16/doc/adding_a_level.txt
+++ 0verkill-0.16-gentoo/doc/adding_a_level.txt
@@ -19,5 +19,5 @@
 5) If you want to create some cool new graphics, run 
    "avi grx/graphics_file.avi". Then add it to the data/new_level.sp
-6) When the level is done, run "server -lX", where X is again from (1). And
+6) When the level is done, run "0verkill-server -lX", where X is again from (1). And