NEW in 0.10.27 - 2011-09-15

The changes are:

  * Fixes: GB#651815, Nautilus crashes or hangs with Tracker plugin
  * Fixes: GB#658645, Port writeback to GDBus
  * Fixes: NB#282190, Invalid artist md5 hash in media-art filename.
  * Fixes: NB#282393, tracker-extract crashes parsing XMP metadata which contains regions of interest
  * Fixes: NB#277052, Tracker doesn't cope with inconsistent mount point states between reboots
  * Fixes: NB#281335, Handle removal of superproperty definitions in the ontology
  * libtracker-data: Support removing rdfs:subPropertyOf in ontology
  * libtracker-miner: Export TrackerTask* and TrackerPriority* API for new unit tests
  * libtracker-miner: Check to turn create + delete events into noop was wrong in check_item_queues()
  * libtracker-extract: Fix Regions of Interest SPARQL generated from metadata
  * tracker-miner-fs: Avoid trying to parse directories as desktop files



