The following modules have been removed in this release:
   caribou, libwnck, libxml2, libxslt

The following modules have a new version:
 - NetworkManager (1.10.0 => 1.10.2)
 - adwaita-icon-theme (3.26.0 => 3.26.1)
 - at-spi2-core (2.26.2 => 2.27.1) (*)
 - baobab (3.27.1 => 3.27.2)
 - eog (3.27.1 => 3.27.2)
 - epiphany (3.27.2 => 3.27.3)
 - evolution-data-server (3.27.2 => 3.27.3)
 - gdm ( => 3.27.3)
 - gjs (1.51.2 => 1.51.3) (*)
 - glib (2.54.2 => 2.55.0) (*)
 - glib-networking (2.55.1 => 2.55.2)
 - gmime (3.0.3 => 3.0.5) (*)
 - gnome-boxes (3.27.2 => 3.27.3)
 - gnome-calendar (3.26.2 => 3.27.2) (*)
 - gnome-disk-utility (3.27.2 => 3.27.3)
 - gnome-font-viewer (3.26.0 => 3.27.0)
 - gnome-logs (3.27.2 => 3.27.3)
 - gnome-maps (3.27.2 => 3.27.3)
 - gnome-online-accounts (3.27.1 => 3.27.3)
 - gnome-photos (3.27.1 => 3.27.3)
 - gnome-session (3.26.1 => 3.27.3)
 - gnome-terminal (3.27.1 => 3.27.3) (*)
 - gnome-todo (3.26.2 => 3.27.2) (*)
 - gnome-user-docs (3.26.2 =>
 - gobject-introspection (1.54.1 => 1.55.0) (*)
 - gspell (1.6.1 => 1.7.1)
 - gtk-doc (1.26 => 1.27)
 - gtksourceview (3.99.6 => 3.99.7)
 - gupnp-igd (0.2.4 => 0.2.5)
 - gvfs (1.35.2 => 1.35.3)
 - libgweather (3.26.0 => 3.27.1)
 - libhttpseverywhere (0.6.3 => 0.6.5) (*)
 - librsvg (2.40.19 => 2.41.2)
 - libsoup (2.60.2 => 2.61.1)
 - orca (3.26.0 => 3.27.3)
 - pango (1.40.13 => 1.40.14)
 - pygobject (3.26.1 => 3.27.1)
 - simple-scan (3.27.2 => 3.27.3)
 - vala (0.38.3 => 0.39.2)
(*) No summarized news available

The following modules weren't upgraded in this release:
   at-spi2-atk, atk, atkmm, cairomm, cantarell-fonts, cheese, clutter,
   clutter-gst, clutter-gtk, cogl, dconf, evince, file-roller, folks, gcab,
   gcr, gdk-pixbuf, gedit, geocode-glib, gfbgraph, glibmm, gnome-backgrounds,
   gnome-bluetooth, gnome-calculator, gnome-characters, gnome-clocks,
   gnome-color-manager, gnome-contacts, gnome-control-center, gnome-desktop,
   gnome-documents, gnome-getting-started-docs, gnome-initial-setup,
   gnome-keyring, gnome-menus, gnome-music, gnome-online-miners,
   gnome-screenshot, gnome-settings-daemon, gnome-shell,
   gnome-shell-extensions, gnome-software, gnome-system-monitor,
   gnome-themes-standard, gnome-user-share, gnome-video-effects,
   gnome-weather, gom, graphene, grilo, grilo-plugins,
   gsettings-desktop-schemas, gsound, gssdp, gtk+, gtk-vnc, gtkmm, gupnp,
   gupnp-av, gupnp-dlna, json-glib, libchamplain, libcroco, libgdata, libgee,
   libgepub, libgnomekbd, libgovirt, libgrss, libgsf, libgtop, libgxps,
   libmediaart, libnotify, libpeas, libsecret, libsigc++, libzapojit,
   mm-common, mousetweaks, mutter, nautilus, network-manager-applet, pangomm,
   phodav, pyatspi, rest, sushi, totem, totem-pl-parser, tracker,
   tracker-miners, vino, vte, yelp, yelp-tools, yelp-xsl, zenity


Overview of changes since NetworkManager-1.10.0

This is a new stable release of NetworkManager.  Notable changes include:

* Added support for 'onlink' IPv4 routes attribute.
* Wait longer for the carrier to come up after a MTU change.
* Implemented abstraction for team connections that exposes team
    configuration items as distinct properties.
* Added basic support for tc queueing disciplines and filters.
* Introduced an Update2() D-Bus method to update connection settings
  with more flexibility.
* Many bug fixes and improvements.


  - fix scalability issues with 256/512 size (bug #785574)
  - audio-volume-* pixel alignment



  * Add support for mouse back button
  * Replace window menu with a "Scan" button (and other visual tweaks)
  * Minor bugfixes
  * Updated translations (ar, cs, de, fur, hr, id, is, nb, ne, sl)
  * Updated documentation translations (fr)


Version 3.27.2

Bug fixes:
 #787188, Close confirmation dialog looks outdated
 #787750, EOG 3.26 does not store recently used files


3.27.3 - December 11, 2017

- Don't require gvfsd-http for downloading adblock filters (#776682)
- Expand bookmarks popover tag area when there are many tags (#778843)
- Don't attempt to sync when there's no network connectivity (#790286)
- "Search the web" context menu item should switch to the new tab (#790693)
- Revert back to the old address bar dropdown for the time being (#790732)
- Make default sync device name translatable (#790905)
- Fix sync failure warnings appearing multiple times (#790094)
- Remove Epiphany version from user agent (see WebKit #180365)
- Remove support for vendor user agents (see Debian #883712)
- Several miscellaneous Firefox Sync fixes
- Several miscellaneous Google Safe Browsing fixes
- Flatpak: custom stylesheets are now supported
- Flatpak: downloading files is now supported
- Flatpak: view page source is now supported
- Flatpak: Add Epiphany Tech Preview branding for nightly builds


Evolution-Data-Server 3.27.3 2017-12-11

Bug Fixes:
	Bug 790032 - Google Contacts ESource recreated every start of source-registry (Milan Crha)
	Bug 789549 - [IMAPx] Runtime warning after message copy/move (Milan Crha)
	Bug 790267 - Expired Google OAuth2 token not refreshed (Milan Crha)
	Bug 790759 - Proxies are ignored in EWebDAVDiscover and Google OAuth2 token refresh (Eloi Vanderbeken)
	Bug 790020 - Use original location when composing new message in Search Folder (Milan Crha)
	Bug 790887 - [IMAPx] Folder '[Gmail]' hidden after start (Milan Crha)
	Bug 790635 - Slow start with 10+ mail accounts enabled (Milan Crha)
	Bug 791016 - [Camel] Fix a compiler warning at folder_summary_update_counts_by_flags() (Philip Withnall)
	Bug 790987 - [IMAPx] Also copy/move locally cached message on COPY/MOVE command (Milan Crha)
	Bug 791327 - Adapt to gweather_info_new() API change (Milan Crha)

	Extend workaround for bug 674885 (type initialisation deadlock in GObject) (Milan Crha)
	[SMTP] Recognize rejected credentials during SASL authentication (Milan Crha)
	[OAuth2] Enhance how expired or invalid access tokens are handled (Milan Crha)
	Merge duplicated code around EGDataOAuth2Authorizer (Milan Crha)
	[File Calendar] Include detailed information in Free/Busy response (Milan Crha)
	[CalDAV/CardDAV] Always set error on failed connection attempt (Milan Crha)
	Correct introspection code build without libgdata (Milan Crha)
	Correct typo in libgweather include directory variable (Milan Crha)
	Show feedback on message download for offline after going online (Milan Crha)
	Correct a failure condition in cal_client_init_in_dbus_thread() (Milan Crha)

	Kjartan Maraas (nb)
	Kukuh Syafaat (id)
	Hanifi Çakmak (tr)


Version 3.27.3
- don't call gdm_session_defaults_changed from setup
- Add dependency to .pc file
- code clean ups


2.55.2 - December 13, 2017

 * Fix glib-pacrunner.service installation directory
   [#790367, Michael Catanzaro]

 * Updated translations: Hebrew, Indonesian, Spanish


3.27.3 - Dec 06, 2017

Changes since 3.27.2

  - Use a more convenient API end-point
  - Port the Downloaded list to GtkListBox
  - Introduce a flat styling for the wizard rows
  - Set a user-agent when using the network
  - Make the wizard content scrollable (fit small screens)
  - Offer other operating systems for download
  - Added/updated/fixed translations:
    - Turkish
    - Norwegian
    - Lithuanian
    - Indonesian
    - Italian

All contributors to this release:

Aurimas Černius <>
Debarshi Ray <>
Federico Bruni <>
Felipe Borges <>
Kjartan Maraas <>
Kukuh Syafaat <>
Nurperi Utlu <>
Piotr Drąg <>


3.27.3 - December 11, 2017

Iñigo Martínez:
  * build: Rename build options
  * build: Remove default warning level
  * build: Remove unused defines
  * build: Remove macro definition
  * build: Use meson 0.43.0 features
  * build: Use datadir on post install script
  * build: Move the icons' files

Kai Lüke:
  * Set partition type for MBR partitions
  * build: Document custom build switches

Updated translations:
  * gogo (hr), Kukuh Syafaat (id), Marek Cernocky (cs), Tim Sabsch (de)


GNOME Font Viewer - 3.27.0
• Show more general font information
• Show OpenType font variation information
• Show OpenType layout feature information
• Handle ttf and otf mimetypes (#788383)
• Fix a crash (#789511)
• Translation updates


GNOME Logs 3.27.3

* update to Indonesian translation


3.27.3 - Dec 11, 2017

Changes since 3.27.3
  - Show tile provider and OSM attribution in the About dialog
  - Install appstream metadata to non-deprecated location
  - Update Flatpak manifest to build libgweather with Meson

Added/updated/fixed translations
  - Icelandic
  - Indonesian
  - Czech

All contributors to this release:
Jeremy Bicha <>
Kukuh Syafaat <>
Marcus Lundblad <>
Marek Cernocky <>
Sveinn í Felli <>


Overview of changes in 3.27.3

* Bugs fixed:
 764157 Port to GTask from GSimpleAsyncResult
 781005 Cookies from previous session are not cleared from the web view
 787250 Migrate from Intltool to Gettext
 789187 Fedora Kerberos account can't be added

* Updated translations:
 Norwegian bokmål
 Portuguese (Brazilian)


Overview of changes in 3.27.3

* Support shadows and highlights adjustment (788201)

* Bugs fixed:
 781736 Items with embedded orientation are slow to load
 785376 The link "Settings" in the "No Photos Found" screen does not work
 788174 Use g_auto*
 789196 Complete support for EXIF orientation values when rendering
 789977 Log the total processing time for the GeglProcessor
 791082 Drop unnecessary packed attribute

* Updated translations:
 Norwegian bokmål


Version 3.27.3

	* Drop deprecated bits
	* Port to meson
	* Fix crash at shutdown
	* Fix session saving
	* BSD fixes


* Updates to GNOME Help (Petr Kovar)
* Updates to System Admin Guide (Petr Kovar, Marek Cernocky)
* Updated translations:
  cs        (Marek Cernocky)
  de        (Mario Blättermann, Christian Kirbach)
  hu        (Gábor Kelemen)
  pl        (Piotr Drąg)
  sv        (Anders Jonsson)


News in 1.7.1, 2017-12-09
* Use Enchant 2.
* Improve documentation.
* Translation updates.


GTK-Doc 1.27  (Dec 07 2017)

Finetune the python port.


 o 773879 : scangobj: Do not generate unused parameters
 o 786174 : Several test failures on Arch Linux
 o 787495 : gtkdoc-fixxref crashes when running vim for syntax highlighting
 o 787768 : Aborts when glib2.0-dev is not installed
 o 787862 : Always open files in text mode and always use utf-8
 o 788473 : fixxref crashes if a .devhelp2.gz file is found
 o 789531 : Don't depend on the system shell
 o 790022 : mkdb: Add support for (not optional) annotation
 o 791131 : gtk-doc and python3: fixxref failures


 Alban Browaeys
 Anders Jonsson
 Christian Kirbach
 Christoph Reiter
 Daniel Mustieles
 Jan Alexander Steffens (heftig)
 Marek Cernocky
 Michael Catanzaro
 Pavel Grunt
 Philip Withnall
 Rafael Fontenelle
 Simon McVittie
 Stefan Sauer
 Will Thompson


News in 3.99.7, 2017-12-09
* Rename gtk_source_completion_show() to gtk_source_completion_start().
* Drop gconstructor.h, add gtk_source_init() and gtk_source_finalize().
* Improve documentation.
* New syntax highlighting definition file for: logcat.
* Improvements to the syntax highlighting of: Python, reStructuredText and
* Improvements to the Visual Studio builds.
* Translation updates.

News in 3.99.6, 2017-10-15


* GUPnP IGD 0.2.5 *

- Update gtk-doc to newer version to fix build failures.


Major changes in 1.35.3
* mtp: Handle read-past-EOF ourselves to prevent hangs
* Port several parts to GTask
* Several smaller bugfixes
* Translation updates


Version 3.27.1

* This is the first version to use the meson build system.
* Updated translations


Version 2.41.2
- We now require glib 2.52.0.
- bgo#787895 - Fix mis-use of libxml2.  Thanks to Nick Wellnhofer for
  the guidance.
- bgo#761175 - Allow masks and clips to reuse a node being drawn.
- Fix xml:space normalization, per the spec.
- Don't access the file system when deciding whether to load a remote
  file with a UNC path for a paint server (i.e. don't try to load it at all).
- We now support cross-compilation of the Rust code (David Michael).
  See for details.
- Fixed bugs from Coverity runs (Philip Withnall).
- Vastly improved, new, improved
- Markers now have the correct default size per the SVG spec.
- Visual Studio: We now use HIGHENTROPYVA linker option on x64 builds,
  to enhance the security of built binaries (Chun-wei Fan).
- Cargo is now verbose as well if you use "make V=1".
- Fixed some memory leaks.
- Don't render elements that establish a viewport if their viewBox
  size is 0, per the spec.
- SVG elements ported to Rust: image, clipPath, mask, character data in elements.
- Fixed loading files one byte at a time.
- Reference documentation is now DocBook 5.1.
- Reference docs now have an overview of the library.
- Distribute in the tarball properly.
- Expanded the test suite.
- Lots of internal refactoring.

Version 2.41.1
- The feConvolveMatrix filter primitive wasn't being rendered at all;
  now it works.
- Pattern specifications can now have a fallback color, per the spec -
- Tests now use a very basic form of reproducible font rendering.
  This means that "make check" should pass even if you have a custom
  Fontconfig setup.
- Fixed recursive fallbacks in gradients.
- Per the spec, we now don't render elements which have invalid
- Windows build: support building with Fontconfig; support Visual
  Studio 2017; generate .pc files upon install (Chun-wei Fan)
- Fixed bgo#621088 - Text elements can now be used as clipping paths.
- Fixed bgo#587721 - Fix rendering of text elements with transformations
- Fixed bgo#776932 - Don't crash on elements with an invalid
  "transform" attribute.
- Fixed bgo#777155 - Ignore patterns that have close-to-zero dimensions.
- Fixed bgo#776297 - Don't render markers for rect / circle elements;
  fix marker angles in some cases (Massimo).
- Fixed bgo#777834 - Don't crash when rendering text with empty
- Fixed bgo#634324 - Gaussian blur with negative-scaling
  transformation was being rendered incorrectly.
- Fixed bgo#783835 - Don't divide by zero in Gaussian blurs
- Fixed division by zero in feTile filter when the input surface is
- Fixed bgo#779489 - Link to pangoft2 as required.
- Don't crash in filters when one of them yields an invalid surface
  for an intermediate result.
- Update for bgo#778666 - Use our own thumbnailer specification file
  (Jeremy Bicha).
- Fixed bgo#782098 - Don't pass deprecated options to gtkdoc-scangobj
  (Ting-Wei Lan).
- Fixed bgo#777833 - Various memory leaks (Philip Withnall, Federico Mena)
- Fixed bgo#786372 - Use the correct default for the style element's
  "type" attribute.
- Fixed bgo#634514 - Don't render unknown elements and their children.
- Fix parsing of "azimuth", "elevation", "limitingConeAngle" for
  filter effects.
- Fixed bgo#785276 - Don't crash on empty or single-byte files.
- Made the <switch> element work; SVG feature names were being
  tested incorrectly.
- Fixed a few cases of uninitialized struct fields.
- Code converted to Rust: preserveAspectRatio attribute, viewBox
  attribute, core Node structure, path/line/rect/circle/ellipse basic
  shapes, group/defs/switch/svg/use/symbol structural elements, pattern element
  and pattern fallbacks, marker rendering, various parsers, error
  propagation from parsers, gradient stops, gradient element, 
- Added a bunch of new test cases for the new features and the
  code converted to Rust.
- We now require cairo-rs 0.2.0
- We now require lalrpop 0.13.1
- The librsvg tarball now comes with the Rust dependencies embedded
  using "cargo vendor".  Linux distros can replace these dependencies
  with their own versions using the infrastructure described in

Version 2.41.0
- The big news is that parts of librsvg are now implemented in the
  Rust programming language, instead of C.  The public API remains
  identical.  Rust should provide us with memory safety and nicer
  built-in abstractions for the code, as well as an easier way to do
  unit tests.  Special thanks to all the people who sent tips on Rust
  idioms, and to Sebastian Dröge and Hubert Figuière for the Automake bits.
- Added an "--enable-debug" option to - this will tell
  the Rust compiler to generate debugging code, instead of working in
  release mode.  Note that you must still pass CFLAGS by hand by the
  regular means for the C code.
- For Windows builds, only MSVC 2012 and upward are supported now.
- Chun-wei Fan made it possible to regenerate the MSVC project files
  when changes.
- Fixed bgo#763386 - handle curveto segments where three control
  points are coincident.  Thanks to Massimo for the detailed test cases.
- Fixed bgo#603550 - Compute the luminance correctly when generating a
  mask.  Thanks to Mike Lewis for the patch.
- Fixed bgo#776297 - Only render markers in path, line, polygon,
  polyline elements.
- Fixed feImage filters when they reference SVG nodes; they were
  translated incorrectly.
- Fixed feComponentTransferFunction when there are duplicated feFuncX
- Fixed bgo#761871 - handle reflection points for quadratic and cubic
  curves correctly.
- Fixed bgo#686953 - support the "marker" shorthand property.
- Fixed a few minor issues pointed out by Coverity.
- The path data parser now handles boolean values in Arc elements correctly.
- Fixed conformance bugs in gradient inheritance.
- Radial gradients now adjust the focus point correctly to be within
  the gradient's radius.
- Stroke width normalization is now conformant to the spec.
- Viewport-relative length normalization is now conformant to the spec.
- Added some of the official SVG 1.1 test files to our test suite.  Fixed
  a little bunch of conformance bugs.
- As a small optimization, we only push/pop CSS states when rendering
  will actually happen, instead of for all (potentially invisible) nodes.
- Code that has been converted to Rust:  marker orientations and
  rendering, path data parser, path building, length normalization,
  gradient inheritance, bounding boxes with affine transformations.
- Lots of refactoring to accomodate the Rust code, and general cleanups as well.
- Added tests/ with instructions on how to run the test suite
  and update it.
  rsvg-test can now skip files or directories that start with "ignore".
- Improved the README.


Changes in libsoup from 2.60.2 to 2.61.1:

	* tld-parser: use Python 3 [#785735, Ross Burton]

	* Fix heap-buffer-overflow in soup_ntlm_parse_challenge()
	  [#788037, Milan Crha]

	* Fix possibly uninitialized value in ssl-test
	  [Tomas Popela]

	* SoupCache: fix the timestamp for responses [#791031,
	  Claudio Saavedra]


3.27.3 - 11 December 2017

Web + Email:

 * Fixed several issues in presentation of editable content

 * Hack around lack of window:activate events for ARIA dialogs

 * Fix presentation of find results in new version of Firefox

 * Improve handling of focused elements getting destroyed when activated

 * Attempt to identify and navigate around non-navigable embedded documents


 * Fix chattiness issue caused by off-screen labels in Gtk+ listboxes

 * Eliminate incorrect presentation of previous panel

 * Fix issues to pass 'yelp-check validate'

New and updated translations (THANKS EVERYONE!!!):

    ca@valencia   Catalan (Valencian)   Xavi Ivars
    cs            Czech                 Marek Černocký
    ne            Nepali                Pawan Chitrakar
    no            Norwegian bokmål      Kjartan Maraas
    sv            Swedish               Anders Jonsson
    tr            Turkish               Muhammet Kara, Olcay Aşcı



Overview of changes between 1.40.13 and 1.40.14
- Fix char break problem introduced in 1.40.13 (#789625)
- Add tests for char breaking


3.27.1  11-Dec-2017
        - Revert " Also set setup_requires to require pycairo" (Christoph Reiter)
        - Also set setup_requires to require pycairo (Christoph Reiter)
        - Provide a os.path.samefile fallback for Python 2 under Windows (Christoph Reiter)
        - Add sphinx based documentation (Christoph Reiter) (#791448)
        - PKG-INFO: Revert name back to PyGObject (Christoph Reiter)
        - Rework pycairo discovery to not use pkg-config (Christoph Reiter)
        - Fix the distcheck command on Windows (Christoph Reiter)
        - Remove various classifiers and the download-url which aren't accepted by pypi (Christoph Reiter)
        - version bump (Christoph Reiter)

3.27.0  08-Dec-2017
        - demo: pep8 fixes (Christoph Reiter)
        - Fix ctypes.PyDLL construction under Windows (Christoph Reiter) (#622084)
        - Error out in case autoconf-archive isn't installed (Christoph Reiter) (#784428)
        - Move into tools (Christoph Reiter)
        - README: Convert to reST (Christoph Reiter)
        - demo: Move demo into examples and dist it (Christoph Reiter) (#735918)
        - demo: Add new Gtk.FlowBox example (Gian Mario Tagliaretti) (#735918)
        - demo: Use HeaderBar for main app window (Simon Feltman) (#735918)
        - demo: PyFlakes and PEP8 fixes (Simon Feltman) (#735918)
        - demo: Rename to (Simon Feltman) (#735918)
        - demo: Rename demos/gtk-demo to simply demo (Simon Feltman) (#735918)
        - Remove AUTHORS file (Christoph Reiter)
        - Remove pre-commit.hook (Christoph Reiter)
        - Port to distutils/setuptools (Christoph Reiter) (#789211)
        - Install a default SIGINT handler for functions which start an event loop (Christoph Reiter) (#622084)
        - Make Python OS signal handlers run when an event loop is idling (Christoph Reiter) (#622084)
        - Drop Python 3.3 support (Christoph Reiter) (#790787)
        - Drop set_value usage in Gtk.List/TreeStore.set override (Sander Sweers) (#790346)


Overview of changes in simple-scan 3.27.3

  * Update docs to reflect move to

Overview of changes in simple-scan 3.27.2

  * Updated translations


Vala 0.39.2
 * Various bug fixes:
  - vala: Don't transform an explicit "null" into valid format-string [#791215]
  - codegen: Don't create null-safe destroy-wrapper for GenericType [#791283]
  - Improve error message for missing type-parameter on enclosing type [#587905]

 * GIR parser:
  - Allow change of parameter names
  - Handle metadata for fields inside a transparent union
  - Accept setters with boolean return-type as valid property-accessor
  - Don't mark simple-type out-parameters with '?' as nullable

 * Valadoc
  - libvaladoc: Actually resolve "percnt;" to '%'

 * Bindings:
  - glib-2.0: Fix potential null pointer dereference in string.joinv() [#791257]
  - gobject-2.0: Add missing GType constants for fundamentals [#791023]
  - gstreamer-1.0: Update from 1.13+ git master
  - gtk+-3.0: Switch to GIR [#730746]
  - gtk+-4.0: Update to 3.93.0+6af4947e
  - posix: Move signal constants to an enum and add few missing ones [#790958]

Vala 0.39.1
 * Highlights
  - Report warning if property-type is not compatible with GLib.Object [#693932]
  - Allow to pass compatible delegates to signal.connect() [#787521]
  - Allow unscoped enum values where possible
  - Avoid use of temp-var for some callables returning ValueType
    and to access in/ref parameters [#789071]
  - Reformat generated source declarations and definitions for better
    readability [#688447]

 * Various bug fixes:
  - Use array_length_cexpr to support fixed-arrays for return-values [#784691]
  - Properly parse arguments for vala interpeter-mode [#663070]
  - Enforce name-length >= 3 for structs using GType [#764041]
  - Report error for missing type-parameter on enclosing type [#587905]
  - Add boolean "use_inplace" ccode-attribute for methods [#750840]
  - Improve handling of unowned/owned keyword occurrences
  - Methods need to throw compatible error if target delegate throws one
  - Discover invalid member access to instance field [#790903]
  - Improve error output of mismatching overriding methods

 * Valadoc
  - Acknowledge possible properties in structs [#784705]
  - Fix fatal typo in GtkdocRenderer.visit_symbol_link() [#790266]

 * Bindings:
  - glib-2.0: Use type-id/marshaller-type for (u)int16/(u)short from (u)int32
  - glib-2.0: Add optional 'unparsed' parameter to *.try_parse () [#774124]
  - gobject-2.0: Add some missing symbols
  - gstreamer-1.0: Bind GST_TIME_ARGS, GST_STIME_ARGS macros [#750840]
  - gstreamer-1.0: Bind GST_DEBUG_BIN_TO_DOT_FILE/*_WITH_TS [#785215]
  - gstreamer-1.0: Update from 1.13+ git master
  - gtk+-3.0: Update to 3.22.26+9ce824d3
  - gtk+-4.0: Split Gsk.RenderNode into several classes
  - gtk+-4.0: Update to 3.93.0+2d797dd8
  - webkit2gtk-4.0: Update to 2.19.2