NAME Lingua::RU::Num2Word - Numbers to words in russian (without currency, but with specified gender) VERSION version 0.04 SYNOPSIS use Lingua::RU::Num2Word qw/num2rus_cardinal/; print num2rus_cardinal(21, 'NEUTER'); # двадцать одно num2rus_cardinal( $number, $gender ) Translates number to text converter for russian, using the specified gender. Returns Unicode string. Main code was taken from Lingua::RUS::Number. $gender Can be FEMININE MASCULINE NEUTER use Lingua::RU::Num2Word qw/num2rus_cardinal/; my $text = num2rus_cardinal(561); # outputs пятьсот шестьдесят один my $bottles_on_wall = 22; print num2rus_cardinal($bottles_on_wall, 'FEMININE') . " бутылки пива на стене"; # outputs "двадцать две бутылки пива на стене" $bottles_on_wall --; print num2rus_cardinal($bottles_on_wall, 'FEMININE') . " бутылка пива на стене"; # outputs "двадцать одна бутылка пива на стене" ORIGINAL MODULE Lingua::RUS::Number fork coding, maintenance, refactoring, extensions: Richard C. Jelinek <> initial coding: Vladislav A. Safronov, E<lt>F<>E<gt>, E<lt>F<>E<gt> AUTHOR Polina Shubina <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2015 by REG.RU LLC. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.