Text::Hunspell::FFI - Perl FFI interface to the Hunspell library


    version 0.04


        use Text::Hunspell::FFI;
        # You can use relative or absolute paths.
        my $speller = Text::Hunspell::FFI->new(
            "/usr/share/hunspell/en_US.aff",    # Hunspell affix file
            "/usr/share/hunspell/en_US.dic"     # Hunspell dictionary file
        die unless $speller;
        # Check a word against the dictionary
        my $word = 'opera';
        print $speller->check($word)
              ? "'$word' found in the dictionary\n"
              : "'$word' not found in the dictionary!\n";
        # Spell check suggestions
        my $misspelled = 'programmng';
        my @suggestions = $speller->suggest($misspelled);
        print "\n", "You typed '$misspelled'. Did you mean?\n";
        for (@suggestions) {
            print "  - $_\n";
        # Add dictionaries later


    NOTE: This module is a reimplementation of Text::Hunspell using
    FFI::Platypus instead of XS. The documentation has largely be cribbed
    from that module. The main advantage to this module is that it does not
    require a compiler. The man disadvantage is that it is experimental and
    may break.

    This module provides a Perl interface to the Hunspell library. This
    module is to meet the need of looking up many words, one at a time, in
    a single session, such as spell-checking a document in memory.

    The example code describes the interface on


    The following methods are available:


     my $spell = Text::Hunspell::FFI->new($full_path_to_affix, $full_path_to_dic);

    Creates a new speller object. Parameters are:

    full path of affix (.aff) file

    full path of dictionary (.dic) file

    Returns undef if the object could not be created, which is unlikely.



    Adds a new dictionary to the current Text::Hunspell::FFI object. This
    dictionary will use the same affix file as the original dictionary, so
    this is like using a personal word list in a given language. To check
    spellings in several different languages, use multiple
    Text::Hunspell::FFI objects.


     my $bool = $spell->check($word);

    Check the word. Returns 1 if the word is found, 0 otherwise.


     my @words = $spell->suggest($misspelled_word);

    Returns the list of suggestions for the misspelled word.

    The following methods are used for morphological analysis, which is
    looking at the structure of words; parts of speech, inflectional
    suffixes and so on. However, most of the dictionaries that Hunspell can
    use are missing this information and only contain affix flags which
    allow, for example, 'cat' to turn into 'cats' but not 'catability'.
    (Users of the French and Hungarian dictionaries will find that they
    have more information available.)


     my @words = $spell->analyze($word);

    Returns the analysis list for the word. This will be a list of strings
    that contain a stem word and the morphological information about the
    changes that have taken place from the stem. This will most likely be
    'fl:X' strings that indicate that affix flag 'X' was applied to the
    stem. Words may have more than one stem, and each one will be returned
    as a different item in the list.

    However, with a French dictionary loaded, analyze('chanson') will

      st:chanson po:nom is:fem is:sg

    to tell you that "chanson" is a feminine singular noun, and
    analyze('chansons') will return

      st:chanson po:nom is:fem is:pl

    to tell you that you've analyzed the plural of the same noun.


     my @stems = $spell->stem($word);

    Returns the stem list for the word. This is a simpler version of the
    results from analyze().


     my @ana = $spell->generate2($stem, \@suggestions)

    Returns a morphologically modified stem as defined in @suggestions (got
    by analysis).

    With a French dictionary:

      $feminine_form = 'chanteuse';
      @ana = $speller->analyze($feminine_form);
      $ana[0] =~ s/is:fem/is:mas/;
      print $speller->generate2($feminine_form, \@ana)

    will print 'chanteur'.


     my @ana = generate($stem, $word)

    Returns morphologically modified stem like $word.

      $french_speller->generate('danseuse', 'chanteur');

    tells us that the masculine form of 'danseuse' is 'danseur'.





    Please see:

    For the dictionaries: for Hungarian dictionary


    Graham Ollis <>


    This software is copyright (c) 2015-2021 by Graham Ollis.

    This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
    the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.