TCLI Core version 0.03

This suite allows one to write Agents and create test scripts that direct
the agents interactively.


To install with Module::Build, one can use the following commands:

    perl Build.PL
    ./Build test
    ./Build install

Alternatively, one may load from CPAN, or hopefully a PPM repository on Windows


		'Data::Dump' 	            => '0',
		'TimeDate'					=> '1.16',
		'FormValidator::Simple'		=> '0',
		'Getopt::Lucid'             => '0.16',
		'Scalar::List::Utils'        => '1.18',
		'Module::Build'				=> '0',
		'Net::Jabber'		        => 'undef',
		'Net::XMPP'		   	     	=> '1.02',
		'NetAddr::IP'		        => '3',
		'Object::InsideOut'			=> '3.07',
		'Test::Simple'              => '0.62',
		'YAML::Syck'				=> '0'


Passive Agents:
One creates a script, see, that loads up a TCLI
transport with users, packages and other pertinent information.
The Agent will log in, join chatrooms if in the user list,
and wait for further commands from authorized users or in a chatroom.

Test script:
A test script is written, Agent::TCLI::Testee, that loads up a Test Transport,
other necessary transports, necessary local packages, and testees.

Using testees, one creates tests ala Test::More with Agent controlling
versions of ok, is_ , and like_ tests.
These will run asynchronously after the testing starts. One must be conscious
of the asynchronous nature of the test flow.

It is necessary to call the test_master->run at the end of the test to ensure
that all tests have completed.


Copyright (C) 2007, Alcatel-Lucent

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.